Shedding Light On This Powerful Indoor Air Quality Tool
Howdy everyone! Here at Hart Heating & AC our #1 goal is keeping your home comfy and cozy. But that's not just about temperature - the air you breathe has a huge impact on how comfortable your home is as well. Luckily, there's a high-tech tool that can help improve your indoor air quality, all by harnessing the power of UV light.
"What?!" you ask, "How can ultraviolet light make my air cleaner?!"
It sounds crazy, but it's true. Those same bluish-tinted lights that make your T-shirts glow at the skating rink are also capable of zapping all the nasty stuff right out of your air. First, they get installed right inside your HVAC system. Then, when your air passes through, the ultraviolet rays zap and neutralize all sorts of pesky particles - mold, bacteria, even viruses! It's like having the biggest, baddest bouncer for your home - undesirables do not get in!
Let's take a look at the specific benefits of HVAC UV lights:
BANISHING Mold & Mildew
Mold & mildew are nothing to mess with, especially here in Texas with our extreme humidity. UV lights will stop 'em dead in their tracks, keeping your ducts free and clear of these nasty interlopers.
FIGHTING Germs & Bacteria
Nobody wants to spend all their day sneezin' and wheezin'! UV lights go "pew-pew-pew" at all the infectious agents that try and sneak into your home. You get fewer sick days and better overall health for you and yours!
When your system is clean and clear, air flows better. It's just physics. When that happens, your system works more efficiently, uses less energy, and saves you money on your power bill. It's like a win-win-win-win.
Does your home sometimes have a particularly pungent aroma? An HVAC UV light neutralizes the chemicals that cause those odors. The end result? Fresh and clean air throughout your home!
The Power Of UV Lights Can Transform Your Indoor Air Quality Safely
We hear a lot in the news about the dangers of ultraviolet light from the sun - so should you worry about having them in your HVAC system? Not at all. They're perfectly safe for you, your family, even your pets. Since the lights are tucked away inside your HVAC unit, you won't come into contact with them so there's no fear of overexposure.
Truth be told, they're one of the simplest, safest, and most effective ways to make your entire home a more healthy place to be. If you want to breathe easier and live healthier, give HVAC UV lights a go. The team here at Hart Heating & AC will be happy to get them installed for you, so if you're ready for cutting edge indoor air quality, message us online or call 806.795.1207 today!